Beja: “Festival B” in 2019 dedicated to Mariana Alcoforado.
In 2019 Beja is the town of Mariana Alcoforado. National city of love. O “Festival B”, highlight of the cultural calendar of the city.
During the year starting, held at the end of the 1st semester, specifically 27 a 30 June and will be the high point of 350 years of the first edition of the "Portuguese Letters".
But throughout the Beja year will have activities related to the date and logo on 4 January, the Regional Museum, located in the city of Beja, It will open the exhibition "100 Steps" which includes the committed cooperation of the cymbal and the District Archive.
In January – and completed improvements to the security level in the Pax-Julia are foreseen concluded on 9, the largest room of the district will open doors on 12 with a spectacle of magic that will conclude the celebrations of 40 years Jodicus Theater Group.
Morning 19 the bejenses "Adiafa" step again the biggest stage of his city for an integrated spectacle in 20 group met in years 2018 IS in the day 26, a week later, Pedro Abrunhosa will exhaust 630 Space places.
Added to this it should be noted the vast programming schedule, with a great offer and top quality, Municipal Library José Saramago. Sport also is back in force in January with the return of the already popular "Run and Walk". Another highlight is the House of Culture which has many good cultural offerings, especially exhibitions, who do not waste a trip to space.
Also as part of the "It's Christmas in Beja" it is noted that on Friday Fair, day 4 January, the feast is transferred to the Republic Square where, by 16.00 hours, party will be the King cake made by pastry "Luiz da Rocha" and will this year 40 meters in length. The ever higher in our County! Votes formulate because of an excellent year 2019. Preferably us. In Beja!