Airport: Beja Tech Day.

Beja Airport today hosts the Beja Tech Day event, which promises to highlight the role of aeronautical technology and innovation in the development of the Alentejo-Algarve-Andalusia Euroregion.

This event, organized by the Baixo Alentejo Social Innovation Incubator, is part of the national festival Portugal Tech Week, in partnership with 351 Portuguese Startups Association, and which takes place between 8 and 18 November in several cities, intending to highlight topics such as technology, innovation, future of work and creativity.

Carried out in partnership with the Regional Coordination and Development Commissions of Alentejo and Algarve, of the Andalusian Junta and within the scope of the Interreg Spain-Portugal Cross-Border Cooperation Program (POCTEP) of Euroregion AAA, o Beja Tech Day visa strengthener o networking and promote a culture of cooperation between companies and institutions in the region. Also as partner entities are Beja Municipal Council and Aeroportos de Portugal.

On Beja Tech Day there will be space for Tech Talks, which will have the participation of leading companies such as MESA – Maintenance & Engineering, CEiiA and Lauak Portuguesa and who will share their innovations and practices in the sector. There will also be a conference on training and cross-border collaboration that will address opportunities in the aviation sector, bringing together institutions like IITA, Air Hub – ADRAL and IEFP, with the aim of promoting training and knowledge exchange between Portugal and Spain.

The event also features a musical moment and a networking and exhibition space with the presence of various training and technological entities in the aeronautical sector..

Beja Tech Day follows major technological projection initiatives, like the Web Summit in Lisbon, taking advantage of the opportunity to bring together aeronautical and technological companies to share knowledge and innovative experiences.

The entire program and information is available at:

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