Agriculture: Extinct vacant pass to the parish councils after 15 year old
Shall enter into force in a month the new rules of the law of the commons, stipulating that either end of 15 years unused, the commons can be extinguished and the land passed to private ownership of the parish.
According to newspaper Jornal de Nogócios, It was published this Monday, 17 August, law regulations of the commons when it comes to “community facilities”, “application of revenues from vacant”, “vacant Administration transfer in association arrangements between the state and compartes”, “compensation due in the administration term association arrangements between the state and compartes”, and “identification and termination of vacant due to lack of use, enjoyment and administration”.
The DL nº165/2015, Now published, “enter into force 30 days after its publication”, in other words, a 16 September 2015.
The vacant (photo of Lidador News file), which by their Law (# 68/93) They are “land owned and managed by local communities”. A comunidade local “It is the universe of compartes” and these “all registered electors, subscribers and residents in local communities where are their vacant lots or who develop an agro-forestry or forest-pastoral”.
The regulations already published in 2014, it was predicted that the intervention of the parish councils “while their compartes not return to their use and enjoyment [the vacant] or when they renounce their use and development in the last 15 or more years”.
It is up to INCF - Nature Conservation Institute and the Forests “identification of the commons is not use situation”, and it is this entity that “issuing certificate attesting the situation” and sends it to the Public Ministry, “racing this court require the extinction statements of vacant”.
Legislation is now added the definition of the vacant identification process unused, how it can be reversed and “reserve the jurisdiction of ordinary courts extinction declaration vacant”, in the case of non-opposition.
Finally, “after the final and unappealable decision to declare extinct the vacant, or part of the vacant, not to use situation, land is integrated into the private domain of the parish or parishes in whose territorial areas are located”.