Takes place this Thursday, from 6pm, the meeting between the Minister of Agriculture and Food, Maria do Céu Antunes, and the representatives of the Civil Movement of Farmers of Portugal from the Baixo Alentejo region.
The meeting that will take place at Moura City Hall, was marked following the protest that led to the cutting of the National Road (IN) 260 on the border of Vila Verde de Ficalho and which led to demobilization after the farmers received the guarantee of this meeting.
The “Men of the Earth” hope to see “immediately” restored support 35% to organic production, the 25% of integrated production and measures to minimize the effects of drought, revealed António Veríssimo.
“The protest was a way for the class to make itself heard, since our associations have completely turned their backs. The only association of farmers and producers that was on our side was ACOS and Rui Garrido. If the largest farmers' association, CAP did not support us, We had to do something”, concluded.
Teixeira Correia