By this time, it was expected that the “Annual Internal Security Report – 2023" (RASI-2023), the responsibility for its preparation lies with the Secretary General of the Internal Security System and published at the end of the first quarter of each year, by the Minister of Internal Administration, bringing together all criminal data, registered by the Security Forces and Services (FSS) in the previous year.
Colonel of the GNR
Master in Law and Security and Homeland Security Auditor
This year, contrary to what has happened in previous years, RASI-2023 has not yet been released, which for this would need to be presented in the Assembly of the Republic, for your appreciation, to 31 March, assuming, that this did not happen because the Deputies of the XVI legislature only took office a week ago and the government only took office yesterday.
Although we still do not know what crime statistics are contained in RASI-2023, were, however, published by General Directorate of Justice Policy (Dgrfj) on 28 March, “crimes recorded by police authorities in 2023”, more specifically the crime recorded by the Judiciary Police, Public Security Police, National Republican Guard, Food and Economic Safety Authority, maritime police, Military Judicial Police, Foreigners and Borders Service and Tax and Customs Authority.
So, through the DGPJ we learned that in 2023 They were recorded 371.995 crimes, more 28.150 than in the year 2022, representing an increase of 8,2%, concluding that since 2013 not many crimes were recorded in Portugal, according to the DN of 31 March refers in his article entitled “Crime affects 2023 highest value in 10 year old".
Of the total of 371.995 crimes, more than half are crimes against property, which represent approximately 51,0%, having been registered 189.657 crimes, followed by 90.840 crimes against people, which correspond to approximately 24,4% and of 44.439 crimes against life in society, who represented 11,9%, verifying that compared to 2022, crimes against property increased 15.389 crimes, crimes against people have increased 4.999 crimes and crimes against life in society are more 424 crimes.
The DGPJ also highlights the most frequent types of crime in 2023, which is why the crime of “domestic violence against spouses or similar persons” arises first with 26.041 crimes, less 32 crimes that me 2022, and the crime of “driving a vehicle with an alcohol content equal to/higher than 1,2 g/l” in second place with 24.133 crimes, more 2.062 crimes.
About the crime of “domestic violence against spouses or similar persons”, It is important at this point to remember that according to the “Domestic Violence Portal"The responsibility of Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality (CIG), the year 2023 will have ended with a number greater than 30.279 incidents of domestic violence, because the occurrences reported to the GNR and PSP may be higher, due to the existence of records prepared in the last quarter of the year 2023, and which were only recorded this year, concluding that in the year 2023, incidents of domestic violence may occur in the 30.500, having 2022 was recorded 30.488 crimes, according to RASI-2022, appearing on the “Domestic Violence Portal” 30.389 occurrences.
After accounting for this discrepancy in the number of domestic violence crimes recorded in 2023, between the DGPJ and the CIG, which may even be higher than those recorded in 2022, we continue to realize that the third place in the most registered crimes in 2023, is occupied by the crime of “offense to simple voluntary physical integrity” with 24.111 crimes (21.667 in 2022), fourthly, the crime of “theft from a motor vehicle” with 20.180 crimes (21.659 in 2022) and fifthly the crime of “computer and communications fraud” with 20.159 (20.901 in 2022), still being among the most frequent crimes in 2023, the residual categories of “other scams” with 27.402 crimes (19.716 in 2022) and “other damage” with 17.417 crimes (15.913 in 2022).
With regard to “violent crime”, CNN on the day 31 March, in the article titled “Violent crime has increased 5,5% last year with 14.022 crimes” reports that “violent crime has increased 5,5% last year compared to 2022, with the Portuguese police registering a total of 14.022 violent crimes in 2023”. The article also states “that violent crimes have fallen by 2020 (12.469) and 2021 (11.014), years marked by the confinements of the covid-19 pandemic, to register an increase in 2022 (13.281) and a new rise in 2023 (14.022). In 2019, violent crimes totaled 14,389.”
Having regard to the foregoing, the criminal landscape of 2023 it was not good, but we will only know it in its fullness, when RASI-2023 is published, being of vital importance, for the FSS, because by knowing in detail all criminal occurrences, can guide police efforts, want humans, want materials, for crimes that occur in greater numbers, this is only possible to achieve with real and complete statistics.
Knowledge of criminal occurrences regarding a given type of crime is therefore essential for understanding the phenomenon itself and for defining preventive and combat measures., so another of the RASI-2023 areas, that should deserve special attention is the area of crime prevention, namely knowledge of the activities carried out by the FSS, within the scope of “General prevention and policing programs”.
Another indicator to take into account is the distinction between crimes that are “reported” to the FSS and those that are “participated” by the FSS, that result from its greater or lesser operational proactivity, The first includes mostly crimes “against people” (such as “domestic violence against spouses or similar persons”) and “against heritage” (which includes the crime of “theft from a motor vehicle”) and those “participated” mostly include crimes “against the state”, “against society” (which includes the crime of “driving a vehicle with an alcohol content equal to/higher than 1,2 g/l”) and those “provided for in separate legislation”, which, as the name suggests,, all those are included, which are not provided for in the Penal Code, such as all the crimes provided for in the “Weapons Law”.
Despite the crime recorded in 2023 have grown up, must be analyzed in light of this distinction between “reported” crimes and “participated” crimes., because crime that causes insecurity in populations, is one that is practiced “against heritage” and “against people”, these being, those that are mostly reported by citizens and crimes “against the state”, “against society” and those “provided for in separate legislation”, are those that contribute to increasing the feeling of security in populations, because they result from the activity and presence of the FSS.
Note: The text constitutes the exclusive and unique opinion of its author, which only binds to this and do not reflect the opinion or position of the institution where it provides services.