The home management claimed that the elderly woman should have a covid-19 test with a negative result on her return from the hospital in Beja. The Beja Firefighters called the GNR.
A home user of the Social and Parish Center of Nossa Senhora da Luz, em Albernoa, county Beja, waited over an hour in a fire ambulance to reenter the institution. The organism's management claimed that, for being in the hospital, you should be carrying a covid-19 test, with negative result. The Beja GNR was called to the site.
The case happened in the past day 27 January, after the elderly woman was taken to the José Joaquim Fernandes Hospital, in Beja, because of a clinical episode, having high medical had about the 19,00 Hours of that day. JN learned that the BVB ambulance only returned to the barracks at 21,25 minutes, almost two and a half hours after leaving.
Transport from the hospital unit to the Residential Structure for the Elderly (ERPI), managed by the Diocese of Beja, was made by the Beja Volunteer Firefighters (BVBeja) that upon arrival they met the demand of the leadership chaired by Deacon Domingos Bragadesto (Fraternity of Little Brothers of St. Francis of Assisi).
The impasse continued for long minutes, which led to the operational, by command indication had called the GNR to take care of the occurrence, since the patient was not received at home, nor could they bring her back to the hospital.
The spokesman of the GNR Beja Territorial Command confirmed the presence of a patrol “which could do nothing, by virtue of being a situation resulting from medical procedures ”, concluded.
The Lidador News (LN) spoke to Deacon Brother Domingos Bragadesto who “confirmed” the occurrence, rejecting that it was a case of “stay or not stay. The patient could not go back and would not be on the street ”, justifying that everything resulted “from the lack of the result of the covid-19 test done in the hospital”, concluded.
The home of the Social and Parish Center of Nossa Senhora da Luz has an outbreak of covid-19 with a total of 57 infetados, 38 users and 19 officials, Brother Domingos Bragadesto revealed that the outbreak was detected “the day after the episode, when two users were taken to the hospital where they would be tested and found positive for covid-19 ”, finished.
This was not the first case in which a BVBeja ambulance was held at the door of an ERPI for refusing to receive a patient back at the institution after an episode of illness passing through the hospital. In mid-April last year a man, of 87 year old, a user of the Fundação Nobre Freire home, in Beja, infected with covid-19 was held in an ambulance outside the institution in an authentic “ping-pong” from “go or stay”.
The elderly, was one of three home users admitted to the José Joaquim Fernandes Hospital, in that Alentejo city and who would die in the early hours of 20 April, becomes the first fatal victim in Alentejo as a result of the covid-19 pandemic.