Alentejo: Farmers Federation complains of drought relief measures.

The Federation of the Alentejo Farmers' Associations - FAABA, claims the Ministry of Agriculture to grant extraordinary aid to livestock farmers.

The extreme drought in the Alentejo unfortunately recur, and this year is no exception. The Federation of the Alentejo Farmers' Associations - FAABA comes again requesting support measures to mitigate the damage caused.

The lack of rainfall recorded in recent months did not allow the accumulation of water reserves in the dams, either for livestock watering, either for irrigation and had a negative impact on the development of pastures (permanent meadows did not create seeds), and the quantity and quality of hay and straw reservations for next autumn / winter.

This climate abnormal situation has led to a significant increase in production costs of livestock farms, becoming unsustainable.

The FAABA complains granting extraordinary aid to livestock producers in addition to those already being released by the Ministry of Agriculture under the "small investments on the farm", including the allocation of a financial amount repayable on the basis of livestock species calculated based on the food needs of each.

Under that measure was also requested:

– support the installation / recovery multi pasture and forage crops;

– eligibility of all farms, regardless of whether they have benefited from similar support in previous applications.

In the area of ​​irrigated land, prolonged extreme drought has boosted the costs related to the consumption of water and energy. This situation, besides compromising the quality and quantity of production, It has drastically reduced the gross margins of the various cultures.

The FAABA also calls for the adoption of exceptional measures, namely, the exemption from the water by the agricultural sector, and the viability of the Alqueva water price for the perimeters bordering. proposes, for the current campaign, fixing this price 0,018 € / m3.

As a general measure, the Alentejo Farmers ask the exemption and deferral of the payment of social security contributions is granted.

The FAABA considers the Ministry of Agriculture's efforts in taking some measures to mitigate the effects of drought. However, also points to the need for a rapid analysis and approval of applications for support from farmers and from a widening of eligible costs, as previously proposed.

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