The Public Ministry (MP) de Ourique accused a man, of 32 year old, natural Aljustrel, of three crimes of negligent homicide and one of dangerous driving of a road vehicle, following a violent head-on collision that occurred near that village.
The individual was driving a vehicle that collided head-on with another vehicle causing three deaths. Subject to psychotropic substance screening test, the individual accused the presence of cocaine in the blood, cannabinóides and methylenodioximethamphetamine (MDMA).
The accident occurred at about 17,00 horas do dia 5 October 2020, the National Road (IN) 383, in Aljustrel, and involved a light passenger vehicle, a BMW driven by Diogo L. where four people traveled, and a closed light of goods.
The second of the vehicles, where two brothers traveled, a man of 51 years and a woman 48 year old, after collision followed by off-track and rollover, burned and the two occupants died charred.
Two days later, an individual 29 years that followed in the BMW and that he had been transported by helicopter to Hospital de São José, in Lisbon, would also die.
In this vehicle they traveled beyond the mortal victim and Diogo, who was transported to Hospital de Beja where he would undergo surgery and two women, of 25 and 28 year old, who suffered minor injuries.
According to the indictment to which JN had access, the MP maintains that the accident was due to the fact that Diogo's vehicle “crossed the longitudinal mark, mixed line goes on and off, went out of your way (cutting the curve) and invaded the opposite traffic lane, coming into collision with the front on the opposite vehicle".
Has learned the Lidador News (LN), last day 22 January, after recovering from surgery, Diogo was called by the GNR to make statements, having been sent to silence, having been constituted as a defendant by means of a term of identity and residence (TIR).
In addition to the four crimes he is accused of, the defendant still risks an administrative offense, for not having civil liability insurance, since the MP extracted a certificate that he sent to the National Road Safety Authority.
The trial will take place at the Court of Beja, during the first half of next October, using a panel of judges, risking a sentence of imprisonment exceeding five years.
Teixeira Correia