Aljustrel: GNR and promote House, in 15 of December, seminar on domestic violence.

The Territorial Command Beja National Guard, organizes the municipal library Aljustrel, a Seminar dedicated to the phenomenon of domestic violence.

violence-domestica_800x800The Territorial Command Beja National Guard, organized in partnership with the City of Aljustrel and the support of ESDIME, o Seminário “Domestic Violence, Consequences and Performance”, day 15 of December (Thursday), from 9 am to 13h00m, no auditório da biblioteca municipal daquela vila.

Este seminário pretende constituir-se como um espaço de reflexão e debate em torno do tema que se encontra mais que nunca na ordem do dia, targeting audiences professionals from different areas and the population in general.

Although if you want to make a general approach to the subject, the seminar will feature a multidisciplinary panel of speakers, pretendendo-se desta forma reforçar o carácter educacional relativo ao tema, through exposure and discussion, mobilizando a comunidade para as especificidades deste fenómeno.


09H00 – Opening session – Chaired by the Hon. Commander of the Territorial Command of the GNR in Beja, 09H10 - Presentation of the official and unofficial bodies with responsibilities in the theme "Domestic Violence" and display some statistics- Lieutenant-Colonel Jose Rosa - Chief of the Information and Territorial Criminal Investigation Command Beja GNR, 09H30 - ESDIM, 09H50 - ARE NOT, 10H10 - GAVA, 10H30 - Himself. Social Aljustrel, 10H50 – Coffee Brake, 11H20 – CPCJ Aljustrel, 11H40 - Hospital de Beja (Urgency , Gave. Medicolegal and Psychiatry), 12H00 - Shelter Vidigueira, 12H20 - Hon Attorney Coordinator Beja County, 12H40 – NIAVE/CTer Beja e 13H00 - Closing Session – Chaired by the Hon. Mayor of Aljustrel, Sr. Nelson Brito.

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