Aljustrel: machine on fire at the mine bottom, only causes damage.

A short circuit, caused yesterday morning, a fire in an industrial machine that laboring at the bottom of a gallery at the tomb of Fetais, the Aljustrel mine, whose works were stopped and evacuated workers from the local.

ALJUSTREL- AlminaPorta_800x800The warning was given to 09,23 hours having the claim was immediately countered by the Complex Emergency Team, Property Almina- Minas do Alentejo SA, not having to register injuries to workers, in about 7 dozens of miners.

According to the report of a worker, the vehicle, one Dumper, that transports raw ore, and owned by a service company, "Suffered some damage and workers were evacuated immediately to the surface", finished.

After removed the stricken machine work on the site was resumed late in the morning, not having reached laboring stop around the Complex.

Despite the explanations of the case requested by mail to Almina, the company did not give any response to the questions asked.

This was the second fire that occurred in Aljustrel mines during the year. On 16 June, perform maintenance services in would wash, the screen area, They were at the origin of a fire, which destroyed three conveyors that transport raw ore.

Worse luck was José Alberto Gomes, 48 year old, natural Odivelas, Ferreira do Alentejo county, que no dia 19 May 2015, He died following a fall inside the mine, a 190 meters deep, the burial place of the zone Fetais, eventually died on the spot.

Teixeira Correia


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