Aljustrel: Municipality takes a position on the possible closure of the Post Office.

The Aljustrel municipality issued a statement which accuses the administration of CTT “have not informed or consulted” the House and the Parish Council, adding that “this attitude is disrespectful of the good relationship rules that guided, in the past”.

Having reached the municipality of Aljustrel rumors of the possible closure of the post office of Aljustrel, the municipality requested an immediate meeting, with character, of urgency the administration of CTT.

This meeting, maintained on 15 October 2018, with the director of the Southern Partner Management Area CTT, came only confirm information that pointed to the possibility of closure of Aljustrel post office and a post office in conversion, managed by another private company.

Never before this meeting, at any time or circumstance, the City Council or the Union of Parishes of Aljustrel and Mills River were informed or consulted in this process by CTT.

In the opinion of the local authority, this attitude is disrespectful of the good relationship rules that guided, in the past, the relationship of CTT with the municipality of Aljustrel, as well as violating the commitments made by the company with the National Association of Parishes and poured in our concession agreement between CTT and the Portuguese State.

That way, the municipality of Aljustrel affirms its absolute disagreement with this process, position that has given knowledge, by letter, a 17 last October, to Prime Minister, the president of the National Association of Municipalities and the Intermunicipal Community of the Lower Alentejo.

In the opinion of the local authority, the closure of the post office of Aljustrel, located in the county seat, and the passage of this service to a third party private sector, into question the concession contract this service, for it has already begun-judicial actions in order to prevent or reverse this process.

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