Aljustrel: Arrested for assaulting mother and threatening death GNR’s tried by videoconference.
He physically assaulted his mother and formally verbalized his younger sister and stepfather. When he was arrested, he threatened the GNR military in Aljustrel with death. Judged by videoconference from jail.
Um individual 28 year old, will be judged today by videoconference from the Beja Prison (EPBeja), where are you being held, accused of committing a crime of domestic violence and two of aggravated threats.
Flávio B, resident in the São João do Deserto neighborhood, in Aljustrel, is the first defendant to be tried in the Criminal Courts of Beja, after last day 18 March the state of emergency was declared in Portugal.
Even so, the judgment will be made “at a distance”, between the various actors. The Judge Panel and the judicial official will be in the courtroom, while the defendant leaves EPBeja and the eight witnesses, including three GNR soldiers, will be heard by videoconference, in workplaces or homes, through your own means (mobile phones, smartphones and others).
Over six years, until the day 8 August 2019, day he was arrested, the defendant physically and verbally assaulted the mother, of 46 year old, whom he repeatedly threatened with death, like the sister, a less than 14 year old, and the stepfather.
Several times the individual assumed aggressive behaviors, in the face of drug addiction, from the furniture of the residence. On the day of arrest, the defendant addressed the GNR military and told them: “The next time a GNR soldier enters my house, mato-o. Whoever he is ”, verbalized.
The Ourique public prosecutor who drafted the indictment considered the main victim of the lawsuit, Flávio's mother, as "especially vulnerable", to whom the victim compensation scheme applies, wanting to deduct the claim for civil damages.
Teixeira Correia