Aljustrel: First positive case of COVID-19.
The Aljustrel City Council reports the first positive case of COVID -19 in the county. It is more a socialist autarchy to “pierce” the Government's determination not to reveal coronavirus numbers.
The municipality of “Mining village” turned to his facebook page to announce the case, which was also done by the Parish Council of São João de Negrilhos and the Social Solidarity Association of São Paulo. John Negrilhos.
Covid-19 Case Release
The Municipal Civil Protection Service of Aljustrel informs that, after tests performed, was registered today, day 11 April 2020, the first (and, for now, only) case of COVID-19 in the Municipality of Aljustrel, more specifically in the Parish of São João de Negrilhos.
Health and safety authorities, the Municipality of Aljustrel, the Parish Council of São João de Negrilhos and other entities involved, already identified the people and institutions that, in the last days, may have had contacts with this case.
That way, all the mechanisms provided for in the protocol for these situations have already been activated, namely the isolation of the patient and his family, the cleaning of the house and the area bordering it, as well as the triggering of contingency measures in institutions that, in the last days, have had contact with the person concerned and with their respective network of.
The Municipality of Aljustrel thanks the effective and swift collaboration of all the entities involved and asks the population to remain calm, solidary and compliant with the measures provided for in the State of Emergency.
It should be noted that the identity of the citizen concerned and the respective household must be preserved and respected in the light of civility, which is characteristic of the population of our municipality, and data protection legislation in force.
The Municipality of Aljustrel addresses this citizen with rapid improvements and is available to support him, as well as your family, whatever is necessary, namely through municipal services, with the desire that you have a smooth recovery and that your health is restored as quickly as possible.
It is further reported that the situation of São João de Negrilhos is isolated and that there are no other known outbreaks of contagion by Covid in the Municipality of Aljustrel 19. Particularly unfounded and irresponsible are rumors that seek to create links between the contagious situation that has occurred, in the last days, Moura, and Aljustrel, behavior that the municipality strongly rejects.
The Aljustrel City Council renews its commitment to inform the population with rigor and seriousness and recalls that it is in permanent contact and acting in conjunction with all the competent authorities at national level, regional e local.
Joint Communication of S Parish Council. João de Negrilhos and Social Solidarity Association of S. John Negrilhos
Detected today 11 April, a positive case of contamination by Covid-19 in our parish. It is an isolated case, there is no community transmission chain.
The household where this case was detected, benefits from home support services of the Social Solidarity Association, not being in contact with the remaining users since the past day 17 March, so the possibility of transmitting the virus to the other users of the institution is quite reduced.
That way, all the mechanisms provided for in the protocol for these situations have already been activated, namely the isolation of the patient and his family, house cleaning, bordering area to the same, as well as the triggering of contingency measures in institutions that in recent days, had contact with the person concerned.
Home support services of the Social Solidarity Association, already reinforced their protection measures, preventing risks of contagion among the beneficiaries of this service. All personnel assigned to home support will no longer be equipped on the premises of the association, these services being transferred entirely to the socio-cultural center.
We are committed to monitoring this situation, so we call for the serenity of the entire population and all family members of the users of the social solidarity association.