Aljustrel: Relationship refuses to release ex-wife's attacker and her partner.

He broke down the door of the house and attacked his ex-wife and her partner in front of her minor children and wants the TRE to release him from the preventive detention to which he is subject. The Public Ministry of Ourique is against it because it fears that the attacker could kill the victim.

An individual with a criminal record for committing the crime of homicide, user of cocaine and alcohol and with access to weapons, saw the Court of Appeal of Évora (THREE), deny him the change of the coercive measure of preventive detention applied for the attacks on his ex-wife and her partner.

The defendant in preventive detention at the Beja Prison, is accused of four crimes: domestic violence, home rape, aggravated coercion and qualified physical harm.

Resident in Aljustrel, the night of the last day 15 July, the defendant went to the village of Carregueiro, about what 10 kilometers from the county seat, broke down the front door of the couple's home, first attacked the man and then his ex-wife, both punching and kicking, all in front of the two youngest children of this, of 5 and 8 year old, respectively. According to the indictment, before leaving the room, the individual told those offended “if they make a complaint to the GNR I will kill them”, referring to ex-wife.

In the morning of that same day, the individual had crossed paths with the woman on the public road in Aljustrel, and among other, made the following threats: “I’m going to tear you apart. I’m going to kill you”. And that night he kept his promise.

The TRE judges maintain that “the defendant's actions were motivated by jealousy and non-acceptance of the end of his romantic relationship with the offended party and her new relationship”.

In the appeal sent to the TRE, the defense requested the application of a non-custodial coercive measure, defending the prohibition of contacts with witnesses and victims, and use of teleassistance for the victim.

The Public Ministry (MP) of the Court of Ourique, where the process was instructed, ruled that the appeal was unfounded, justifying that “crimes related to domestic violence are characterized by being cyclical and of increasing intensity, often culminating in the death of victims by their aggressors”.

The Deputy Attorney General at the Évora Court also issued an opinion dismissing the appeal filed., with the defendant continuing to await trial in preventive detention at EPBeja.

Teixeira Correia


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