The Mobile Health Unit returns to visit all the localities of the municipality, bringing services closer to the populations.
The Municipality of Aljustrel will once again promote initiatives in the Mobile Health Unit. Nutrition and social service actions, the responsibility of the municipality, will also join those that will be promoted by the É Agora project!, which is promoted by the association Esdime.
The Mobile Health Unit will address all parishes in the county, visiting all locations, and already from the next day 1 June. Registering on this date, symbolically, also children's day.
With the return of the Mobile Health Unit, greater proximity to the population will be promoted, especially the elderly, ensuring essential services and shortening distances, since this initiative reaches out to people, without them having to move.
The objective is also to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life and to bring services closer, promoting territorial cohesion and equal opportunities for all.
The Municipality of Aljustrel, opportunely, will disclose all the actions that will be promoted within the scope of this initiative.