Aljustrel: Vin&Culture, animates Ervidel in days 21 and 22 November.

A Vin&Culture has already scheduled dates. The great festival of wine and culture will take place, this year, on days 21 and 22 November in the town of Ervidel.

ALJUSTREL- Município_800x800As always, the animation in the village of Ervidel is guaranteed and will be great during these two days. The wineries will give to taste the wine from local producers. The stalls with local products and crafts will be present in the village square and offer some products that most characterize the economic activity of the village,the Aljustrel municipality and the region.

The Municipality of Aljustrel, the Board of Ervidel Parish, the local wine producers and the associative movement, will thus, once again, efforts to promote and contribute to local development and revitaliazação the countryside.

Promote, value and market the wine and other agricultural products in the county are some of the goals that Vin&Culture wants to achieve, and from year to year, has vivid to attract more and more visitors.

More than a show and sale of agricultural products, a Vin&Culture is also a party, where music, the local cuisine and especially the interaction between friends and family around a table are other great attractions.

Program: / 4483 / vincultura-2015.aspx


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