The Alqueva Agricultural Yearbook’2023 is now available, a document that allows a complete view of the area covered by the Alqueva Multi-Purpose Development (EFMA), detailing the cultural occupation, the economic profitability of different cultures and trends in national and international markets.
Data on existing and potential production systems in Alqueva, presented in a clear and comprehensive way, help in choosing more sustainable crops and formulating more efficient marketing strategies.
With an area of 130 thousand hectares of infrastructured irrigation and an average adherence rate of 98%, EFMA is seen as a structuring and mobilizing instrument for a diverse set of activities, supported by an integrated development process.
The Alqueva Agricultural Yearbook of 2023, which is in its ninth edition, results from the collection of information about different cultures, with specialists, producers in the region, Document information, articles and other published literature and made available by the various sector entities, as well as data and information from the National Statistics Institute (INE), Planning and Policy Office (GPP) and other institutions linked to the Ministry of Agriculture.
Consult the Alqueva de Agricultural Yearbook 2023 in