ALQUEVA: ATLA will elaborate plan adaptation strategies to climate change.

Cross Border Association of Lake Alqueva the European Pact (SKIP) will elaborate plan adaptation strategies to climate change. Territory of the largest artificial lake in Europe is the first region in the European Pact "Mayors Adapt".

Lago Alqueva_800x800The application for membership of ATLA - Cross Border Association of Lake Alqueva the European Pact "Mayors Adapt" was approved by the European Commission. The ATLA stands out as the first entity that adhered to the "Mayors Adapt" with regard to the nature of the adaptation program (due to centering in Alqueva), the spontaneous nature (no administrative) the region and the multinational nature (cross-border border) Of region.

Joining the European pact allows the ATLA, municipalities and associated Ayuntamientos, as well as partner organizations, to benefit and access to a new fund from the European Commission for the next two years, of about 16 billion in research and innovation, under the "Horizon 2020", which will have several periods of application, including proposals for the program "Nature Based Solutions".

The "Mayors Adapt" was released in March 2014, in the framework of the "Covenant of Mayors", focuses on adaptation measures to climate change and is the first initiative at European level launched to support cities, regions and local authorities in this kind of actions.

In addition to supporting the overall objectives of the European Union's strategy for adapting to climate change, which aims to make Europe more weather resistant, cities and regions adhering to the "Mayors Adapt" accept prepare local adaptation strategies and integrate the actions developed or to be developed into action plans.

With the accession to the European pact, Mayors benefit from supporting local adaptation activities to climate change, a platform for cooperation and a greater possibility of raising public awareness on adaptation.

Among the areas to be included in the development of the adaptation plan to climate change, Highlight the climate impacts (extreme temperatures, water scarcity, floods, droughts and storms) and vulnerable sectors (agriculture and forestry, biodiversity, coastal areas, reducing the risk of disasters, financial, Cheers, infrastructure, maritime and fisheries management, water management and tourism).

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