Alqueva: Dam is with 85,8% total filling capacity.

Apesar da muita chuva que tem caído os últimos dias na região Alentejo, não têm levado ao enchimento total da albufeira de Alqueva, which presents a percentage of 85,88 % of its total capacity 4150 million cubic meters of water.

According to information from the Alqueva Infrastructure Development Company (EDIA), to 23,00 hours Wednesday, the reservoir was at elevation 149,71 meters, with a storage of 3.560,70 hectometres (hm3) of water, o que significa que ainda está a 2,29 metros de ser alcançado o armazenamento total, the quota 152 meters.

Even if the reservoir reaches maximum capacity, does not mean that the floodgates have to be opened to release water, since the regenerative capacity of Alqueva with the operation of hydroelectric plants, the volume of water in the reservoir is controlled by sending it to the Pedrogão Dam (Vidigueira). When turbines produce energy, the water goes to this reservoir, and then it is pumped again to Alqueva.

Historical fillings of Alqueva

The reservoir filled for the first time in 12 January 2010, a situation that repeated itself in March of that year. The water was released into the bed of the Guadiana river through secondary sluices. Early 2013, the dam filled for the third time and this time the surface floodgates were opened and the biggest discharges of water ever took place.. The last time Alqueva was completely filled was ago 11 year old, EDIA did not release discharges into the Guadiana River at the time, diverting water to the hydroelectric plant for energy production.

On 8 February 2002, There 23 year old, the dam gates were closed, filling began, what happened for the first time in 12 January 2010.

Multi-Purpose Development in Alqueva (EFMA)

At EFMA it is composed of 72 dams, reservoirs and dams, 48 lifting stations and 5 mini-hydro, 2.078 kilometers of primary and secondary network, guaranteed water to 25 irrigation perimeters in operation, with direct management from EDIA, with 130 thousand hectares and will benefit more 20 thousand. Beyond energy production, reinforced the water supply to 200.000 Inhabitants of 13 Alentejo municipalities.

Teixeira Correia


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