Amareleja: ULSBA ensures medical appointments in the Health Extension.

The Local Health Unit of the Lower Alentejo (ULSBA) ensures replacement of medical consultations, which was interrupted for two weeks.

The Amareleja Health Extension been without medical support for about two weeks. The Mayor of Moura, Álvaro Azedo, started yesterday, a set of representations to the Lower Alentejo Local Health Unit in order to overcome this situation, motivated by the vacation that clinical, serving on Amareleja, is enjoying.

Following the contacts informed the Chairman of the Board of Directors of ULSBA, Maria da Conceição Margalha, that a physician will move in the Amareleja days 18, 22, 24 and 25 July for consultations between the 14:00 e as 19:00.

Note that after the service of medical consultations will resume normal, with the return to work of the clinician who regularly serves in Amareleja.

Amareleja is a parish in the municipality of Moura, in the Alentejo region, with 108,34 km² area and 2 564 population. It is famous for the constant maximum temperature records.

As regards the population concentration, the Amareleja parish is a rural area of ​​the county with the highest number of inhabitants: 2564 (censuses 2011), having had the highest number of inhabitants in 1940, about 9000 people.

Photo: TDS-TV South

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