ANAFRE: Parish Congress approves motion on ATMs.

A motion demanding the installation of ATMs in all parishes in the country by Caixa Geral de Depósitos was approved by a majority, on the last day of the XVIII Congress of the National Association of Parishes (Anafre).

The motion, intitulada ‘Pela instalação de terminais ATM em todas as freguesias’, was approved “por larga maioriano terceiro e último dia do congresso, que decorre no Altice Fórum Braga.

Com sete abstenções e sem votos contra, a moção, que tem como primeiro subscritor o presidente da Junta de Freguesia de Santo Amaro, em Sousel, in Portalegre district, reivindica a instalação de ATM em todas as freguesias do país.

O documento insta a Caixa Geral de Depósitos a assumir asua função de banco estatale a suportar os custos inicias com a instalação daqueles terminais, bem como os custos mensais.

Esta medida é de extrema importância tanto para a qualidade de vida das populações, bem como para a sua imperiosa segurança”, lê-se na moção, which provides that the parishes that already have ATM terminals will be determined and that the investments made with the installation will be supported by the State “with retroactive”.

On proposal, Mayor Nélio Painha highlights that, at this time, various populations “they travel dozens of kilometers without public transport and often without their own means of accessing a bank or even an ATM terminal”.

The Eighteenth Congress of Duck, under the motto ‘Parishes 20/30 Value Portugal’, took place between Friday and yesterday, following the municipal elections, where around a thousand mayors discussed topics such as new skills, administrative reorganization and access to community funds.

Photo: Gonçalo Delgado/ Global Imagens

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