ASPIG / GNR: Association asks audience to the new Minister of Internal Affairs.

Reactivation of Transit and Fiscal Brigade of the National Republican Guard, are two of the measures that are part of the memorandum , sent to the new Minister of Internal Affairs, from the direction of ASPIG / GNR, I want to be received by Constance de Sousa Urban.

JOSÉ ALHO_800x800In a document sent to the new Minister of Internal Affairs, the direction of Partner Association – Independent Professional Guard (ASPIG), asks an audience to Constance Sousa Urban, to present those that its measures defended by the institution for the dignity of the military Guard.

The National Directorate of Social Association – Independent Professional Guard (ASPIG), attentive to the growing discontent and legitimate expectations of its members in particular and other soldiers of the National Guard (GNR) generally, comes, hereby, solicitar a Sua Ex.ª, an audience, having intended to address the following issues:

Weekly reference time;
– The urgent regulation of the reference time mentioned in Article 26 of the Statute of the Military of GNR (EMGNR), approved by Decree-Law No. 297/2009, of 14 October, as amended by the Rectification Declaration n. 92/2009, of 27 November. "The exercise of police functions by the military Guard attends the weekly reference time, to regulate by joint decree of the Cabinet members responsible for finance and internal administration ". Risk profession and rapid wear;

- The ASPIG considers the mission carried out by the military of the GNR, It should be recognized as the risk of a profession and rapid wear. Accordingly, the ASPIG believes that this recognition should be reflected in assigning a risk supplements.
– Improve the current subsystem health GNR (SAD / GNR) making it tendencionalmente free or less costly for beneficiaries (do not understand that 0,0% to 2005 passed, from ai, to exist a discount, para sustentar a SAD/GNR, which is currently 3,5% the expiration of the military when the reimbursement for medicines, por parte da SAD/GNR, and protocols with several entities (clinics, etc…) They have been declining.

Career development;
– The development of professional careers Guard is guided by the following principles laid down in Article 53 of EMGNR.
The truth is that the principle of equal opportunities - identical access and prospects for career development – and the principle of credibility - transparency of the methods and criteria to be applied – They are not, in the opinion of ASPIG, to be respected.

Moreover, the remuneration repositioning the military should refer to the date of the new job seniority rather than, like this happening, after publication, promotion and seniority, in the Daily Republic. (it is incomprehensible that a military is promoted in December, with seniority in the new post reported the January and only start to win the new post, after publication in the Daily Republic, for example in January next year ...)

Clearing the transitional passing standards on reserve / retirement status;
– From 1 January 2006, that the interpretation of the General Retirement Fund (CGA) does the transitional rules of the retirement of the military of the GNR, to determine the value of the retirement pension, and those drawing extra service time, provided to the State, on completion of compulsory military service, They have damaged, truly objectionable, the military GNR, in respect of armed forces personnel. O DL n.º 2014-F/2015 de 2 October, that supposedly aims to clarify this situation, It has, in the opinion of ASPIG, some irregularities concerning the right to equality between the military of the GNR own that having the same conditions come, a partir de 2016, unable to benefit from the transitional regime.
– The ASPIG can not accept that the lack of effective - situation created by the successive policy makers – serve, now, the basis for that, under the discretionary power of the General Commander of the GNR, the transition rules of the passage of the military reserve status are unenforceable pursuant to administrative orders of the General Commander General of the GNR (see the Order No. 88/15, of 28 October- sobre o DL n.º 214-F/2015, of 2 October, (transitional arrangements of the reserves situation / reform of the military of the GNR).

Reactivation of Traffic and Fiscal Brigades;
– The ASPIG argues that the extinction, the last organic restructuring of the GNR, of Traffic and Fiscal Brigades, was a political mistake crass, already recognized, que urge, that is why, correct with the reactivation of these Brigades.
Organic Law and Statute of the military of the GNR.
– The publication of a new organic law and a statute of GNR's military were promises of the nineteenth and twentieth constitutional Governments, unfortunately, did not materialize. The ASPIG / GNR expects the XXI Constitutional Government materialize, since now, the legitimate and just aspirations of the military of the GNR, which translates into the discussion / negotiation and publication of such legislation.

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