The next lines intend to make known what procedures the Security Forces (FS), develop at the location of a missing person.
Colonel of the GNR
Master in Law and Security and Homeland Security Auditor
Sempre que é dado conhecimento às FS de que uma pessoa está desaparecida, is child, adult or elderly, esta tem a obrigação de iniciar os procedimentos e as diligênciais que conduzam à sua localização, in the shortest possible time. The activation of efforts to locate missing persons is not limited by any timeframe, are 24, 48 or 72 hours, as usual to hear talk, this myth, that was born as a result of American series and films, onde com frequência é referido que a procura só é iniciada após a necessária esperar de 24 hours.
As FS desde que não existam indÃcios de rapto, kidnapping or murder linked to the disappearance of that person, East, by itself does not constitute crime, It can be immediately investigated, and in the cases referred to, the disappearance must be reported to the Judiciary Police (PJ), Research leading to.
In conclusion is thus, that whenever associated with the disappearance is the practice of a crime, cuja investigação é da comeptência da PJ, it will be up to this conduct the investigation of any crime and the respective disappearance.
In the absence of any kind of crime associated with the disappearance, will have to be assumed that there is danger to life or physical safety of the missing person, whereas in the case of children this presumption should always be.
The activation of efforts to locate missing persons is not limited by any timeframe, that is why, as FS ao saberem do desaparecimento de uma pessoa, communicate this fact immediately to your entire device, so that information reaches the whole national territory, and immediately made an assessment of the situation, according to each specific case, variando caso se trate de uma pessoa vulnerável, como uma criança ou idoso, ou se trate de um adulto sem vulnerabilidade associada.
The framework is made of a missing child is different from what you do for a missing adult, because for a child shall be presumed where their disappearance is not of his will, knowing however that most young adults disappearances are willingly, e que rapidamente são localizados em casa de amigos.
In the case of elderly people the main cause of disappearance due to the fact that losing, by memory loss or lack of guidance, thus being unable to find the way back home or because of the change in where ever lived, because they changed their residence, por terem sido colocados numa instituição de acolhimento ou terem ido para casa de um familiar, and also for this reason that older people are lost.
With regard to adults, and this situation the most problematic, because not infrequently disappearances occur willingly, not wanting them to locate, no one knows his whereabouts.
Nestas situações e mesmo depois do contacto das FS com o desaparecido, if you do not want to know your whereabouts, não poderão as FS violar esse direito, when it is not involved in the commission of a crime or other situation that requires communication of the whereabouts of the same.
So, whenever a person disappears, the FS must be informed as quickly as possible, providing all data on the missing person, if possible a photo, as well as the context of the disappearance and the place where he was last seen.
In situations where people disappear, a atuação da FS inicia-se determinando qual a rotina habitual da pessoa desaparecida, collecting all the information about their normal travel.
After this assessment an acting perimeter is established, searches to starting as soon as possible, It is the largest or smallest perimeter in accordance with the disappearance time.
It requested the collaboration of the local fire brigade and alert the population, to collaborate in searches, especially those who know the missing person and the area of ​​operation, particularly family and friends.
Under the Territorially Commander orders relevant search teams are formed, reinforced by the binomial cinotécnicos, which are always used in searches.
Today in the location of missing persons is still possible to appeal to the technology, including cell phone location, which eventually is in possession of the missing person, recurso que em muito tem ajudado a encontrar uma grande maioria dos desaparecidos que são comunicados às FS.
Also the use of the Media (OCS) It must be considered from the outset, and these have an important role in locating the missing person, particularly when it comes to children, because when you're concerned to find missing persons, every minute counts and nothing can stop being used, including recourse to the OCS and social networks, assim como usarem-se os painéis informativos das autoestradas.
It concludes like this, que sempre que alguém, It gives a person's disappearance account, deve imediatamente dirigir-se ao Posto ou Esquadra mais próxima da sua residência, providing all data on the missing person, because when you're concerned to find missing persons, todos os minutos contam.