(Updated) Beja: housing fire displaces four brothers.
Four brothers, the oldest with 21 year old, they were displaced, on Friday night, following a fire that completely destroyed the house where they lived, Travessa the Lard, in Beja, located just over a hundred meters from the Castle.
The rapid intervention of firefighters prevented the flames from spreading to adjoining dwellings, despite the home stay in a narrow street corner with no way out, that does not allow access for heavy vehicles.
The alert for the fire was given to 21,32 hours, and the sinister reasons, second source of Beja fire, "I have not been determined", and is being investigated by the PSP. Second it was possible to determine, the explanation given by young people, It was that they were "watching TV and the fire started in the middle of the clothes", another of housing divisions.
The house is owned by Gorda Parish Council, county Beja, and it was through Lidador News (LN) Álvaro Nobre, President of the local authority, I learned of the fire, revealing that the house "is leased to a citizen, it will be "the father of the young", concluded.
Manuel Oliveira, Alderman Beja House and in charge of the Municipal Civil Protection, visited the site to learn about the occurrence. Despite various attempts telephone, could not get a reaction on the need for resettlement of four young.
On site were 11 operating the Fire and PSP Beja, supported by four cars.
Teixeira Correia