(New update) Castro Verde: The baby died evacuated to Lisbon. Rises to five the number of dead.

He died early this morning at the Hospital of Santa Maria, in Lisbon, or baby 10 months helicopter evacuated fora. Rises to five the death toll from yesterday's crash at night. A collision between two passenger cars and a cart, near Castro Verde, killed parents and two children. O acidente still left two children injured, one with gravity evacuated by helicopter to the Hospital of Santa Maria, in Lisbon.

CT.VERDE-Acidente_800x800Two adults and two children died in the early evening yesterday when the wagon that followed shocked with two cars in Aljustrel connection to Castro Verde. Two other children followed the horse-drawn vehicle were injured in the accident, one with gravity.

And the Lidador News (LN) found they are all of the same family, nickname Serrano. Parents and four children, residents in Castro Verde. Drivers of cars, Two men, one of 66 year and other 74, Swiss nationality, They suffered minor injuries.

According to the Relief Operations Coordinating Center (CDOS) Beja , fatalities are a man and a woman aged 40 and 50 year old, a boy of 10 and a menida of 7. Um baby 10 survived months, but it was in very serious condition and was transported in INEM helicopter to the Hospital of Santa Maria, in Lisbon.

C.VERDE- Victim 14 anos_800x800The other daughter, of 14 year old, He was taken to the Beja Hospital, out of danger.

The warning was given by 19.59 hours. The accident occurred when two cars that followed behind the cart toward the Castro Verde tried to overcome. The first car passed and hit the cart and another light that came after, eventually hit the family transport that it had no signage. The fact that part of the National Road 2, between Carregueiro and IP2 node access to Castro Verde, have poor lighting and there is no signage may be one reason for the disaster. At the time of closing of this edition the road was closed in both directions.

For security reasons, given the clustering of relatives and friends of the victims Roma, It has fired the Intervention Detachment of GNR Beja, who protected the two conductors, they were brought to the post of GNR Castro Verde and escorted ambulances transported the bodies to the Medico-Legal Office of Beja Hospital, which also joined dozens of people connected with the victim.

Para o local, indicated CDOS were mobilized and operational means of Castro Verde fire brigades, Aljustrel and Ourique, an ambulance of the delegation of Castro Verde the Portuguese Red Cross, Immediate support one car Life (SIV), Castro Verde, a Medical Car Emergency and Resuscitation (VMER), Beja and a helicopter of the National Institute of Medical Emergency (INEM).

Teixeira Correia


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