(Updated) Serpa: They cut cables to "shut up" Agricultural Credit alarm and clean 20 customer safes.

To "silence" the alarm of the Agricultural Credit dependence, Serpa, who was assaulted on Monday morning, burglars agreed to conduct outside the bank and cut the cables. The GNR said that the theft has occurred to 03,00 hours.

UPDATE: Has learned the Lidador News (LN) computer technicians Serpa City Council received on their mobile phones, to 03,00 hours, the message that “They were without optical cable in the Library”, the same time it was stopped depending on the Agricultural Credit and that burglars cut the cables outside the bank.

After introducing within the premises through a window, they made grinders and jackhammers, in order to try to break into the vault of the bank branch.

According to found the LN, cuts are visible on the safe door and the holes in the walls, made by the robbers to take the money existing in space.

But the thieves did not come out of "empty". Since they broke down and "cleaned" 20 safes customers, ignoring the value in cash and stolen items, since this data is unknown to bank management.

It is recalled that the assault occurred on Monday at dawn, and according to the Public Relations of the Territorial Command Beja (CTB) da GNR, Captain John Gaspar "assault, perpetrated by an unspecified number of individuals, It has taken place around the 03,00 hours", adding that "the Guard became aware of the theft when employees accessed the bank to start another day of work", justified.

The theft investigations were carried out by military core of Criminal Investigation (NIC) Detachment of the GNR Moura, for the inability or unwillingness of inspectors from Faro Board of Judicial Police, experts in bank robberies.

On other cases of bank robbery, where burglars "cleaned" or safes customers, two deserve particular attention. In November 2012, using the same tools, a group of men, He stuck a concrete wall of the Agricultural Credit Cash, where he stole the filling, estimated at 46 million, of 46 safes aluados customers. Another assault took place in Braga, on the night of St. John 2018, where the content was taken 58 coffers of a branch of Santander.

Until now customers who lost their property in Penafiel assault have not been compensated, against the understanding that the courts have on contracts that support the agreements bank / customer and regulation, surrounding the secret of the two parts.

Courts with different decisions

The Agricultural Credit assault Penafiel, It has given rise to several judgments. The Supreme Court (STJ) He issued a favorable decision to the bank. The Harbor Court of Appeal delivered a judgment favorable to seven customers, which will now be examined by the STJ.

While recognizing that the bank failed to protect customer assets, On the other hand the Supreme, It held that the applicant has not shown that inside the safe had 200 thousand euros.

On the other hand the lawyer representing seven injured, We have had two favorable judgments, because the courts of 1st and 2nd instance, consider valid the testimonials from customers about values ​​are stored in the vaults.

Teixeira Correia


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