The decision of the Federation of Baixo Alentejo has been known for some time, on the re-candidacy of Álvaro Azedo to the presidency of the Chamber of Moura, which was announced this Monday morning, whose presentation takes place on the next day 18, at 19:00, at Praça Sacadura Cabral.
In a statement, the candidate and current mayor of Moura states that “it is with renewed determination that I run for another term at the head of Moura's destinies. My first term ends soon, marked by a pandemic that changed the world and the way we live in society, but that I consider very successful, over 90 percent of electoral commitments fulfilled, in the areas of social development, projects, cooperation and renovation of municipal infrastructure and equipment”, justified.
The Moorish mayor maintains that “but, more important than the works and projects carried out, the change we imprinted on the way the Chamber interacts with citizens, companies and the various local and national partners, was the great work of this executive that I had the honor to lead. Our biggest mark was to end the “scorched earth” environment in which this municipality and municipal companies worked. From there, it was possible to conclude projects already underway and to continue our program. We are, with proud, PEOPLE WHO DO”, ends.
Remember that in addition to Álvaro Azedo (PS) the candidatures of André Linhas Roxas were already known (CDU) and Luis finished (PSD-CDS/PP) in the race for the presidency of the Municipality of Moura.
In the local elections of 2017, or PS (Álvaro Azedo) won with 48,34%, a CDU (José Maria Post-de-Mina) reached 39,33%, or PSD (Joao Francisco Guerreiro) stayed by 7,95% and the CDS (Inês Camacho) did not go beyond 1,20%.
Since the first elections in 1976, the Moura Chamber has already met 9 presidents: Armando Almeida Manso (2 year old) 1976-1978, Luis Antonio Ramos (1) 1978-1979, Manuel Romana Ângelo (6) 1979-1985, António Oliveira Lamas (4) 1985-1989, José Simões Duarte (2) 1989-1991, Manuel Vitorino Master (6) 1991-1997, José Maria Post Mine (16) 1997-2013, Santiago Ferreira Macias (4) 2013-2017 and Álvaro José Pato Azedo (4) 2017-2021.
Teixeira Correia