Aviation: Beja Airport broke a record for movements in a single day.

This situation is not unrelated to the fact that national airports break passenger records in the first half of the year. The number of passengers passing through national airports, the first half of 2024, recorded growth of 5,2%.

In this case, at Beja airport, the day 18 July will be a milestone for the Alentejo aeronautical infrastructure, as that day recorded the highest number of flights in a single day, no Toral 18 flights.

Has learned the Lidador News, on this capicua day 18-18 flightsâ€, the flights that took place at Beja airport two were the responsibility of HiFly, which is based on that infrastructure, and the remaining 16 were Executive aviation originating in Spain, France, Italy, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Iceland and the United States of America.

Portuguese airports received a record number of passengers, in the first six months of the year. According to figures released by the National Statistics Institute (INE), Portuguese airports received a record number of passengers, in the first six months of the year, movements at national airports increased 5,2% over the same period 2023 (+28,4% in 2023).

Teixeira Correia


Photo: Armando José Morais

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