YELLOW WARNING: Since today, and until late Sunday morning.

IPMA warns that conditions are met for the occurrence of showers, sometimes strong and accompanied by thunderstorms, with occasional hail, in Alentejo.

The Institute informs that the situation may be recorded especially in the Center and South regions, with a more significant impact expected in Baixo Alentejo, Algarve, Setúbal, Lisbon and Santarém, where there is greater potential for flash floods and floods to occur, and where extreme wind phenomena cannot be excluded.

It should also be noted that in situations of instability, there is a random nature in the spatial and temporal distribution of heavy precipitation, ultimately determined by local scale factors, not predicted by the models, and which can only be monitored based on surveillance that will be carried out using meteorological radars, electrical discharge detectors and satellite images.

will be expected, in the previously mentioned regions, precipitation values ​​on the order of 10 a 20 mm in one hour, persistence of precipitation may occur locally, and values ​​of the order of 20 a 40 mm in one hour.

Due to this situation, IPMA has already issued YELLOW level meteorological warnings for the next few days in the aforementioned districts, which, given the existing uncertainty, could extend to other districts, and if necessary, raise the warning level, therefore it is recommended to monitor the situation.

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