Baixo Alentejo: PS deputy, Pedro do Carmo talks to settle for the region.
“Resolve in favor of the Alentejo”, It is the title of a press release, where the deputy PS, Pedro do Carmo, explains the decisions taken in favor of the region.
The OVIBEJA held in recent days re-emphasized the enormous productive potential of our Region, skills, resources and existing excellent products, structuring pillars of affirmation of our local economies and net contributor to national exports.
As we have always stated, after four years of stagnation and blockages, It is once again the hand of the Socialist Party who are given decisive impulses for regional development.
After in March 2017, announced reducing the price of water for agricultural irrigation in the area covered by the project of the Alqueva, the Government of the Socialist Party approved, at the meeting of Council of Ministers 27 April, a change to the regime applicable to expropriations necessary to achieve the purposes of Multi-Enterprise Alqueva, which is to update the identification and location of various infrastructure.
As enlargement, approximately 50 000 hectares, the areas benefiting from the Alqueva project it allows a greater number of farms can benefit from this important investment and, consequently, obtain membership gains that make it possible to reduce operating costs by users, thus contributing to increasing the competitiveness of domestic agricultural production.
Of course there are those who always dirty as the political discourse of the past had matched consequent action or always prefer to highlight the problem rather than work for solutions.
Once again, are solutions to the PS, depending on availability and a vision, can not solve a fell swoop liabilities of four blind austerity and neglect, gives sure signs of a turn for the region and for the Interior. some talk, others do.
Solutions that create opportunities and correspond to difficulties, but also political choices that reveal attention and action before the risks and challenges as with the drought that has buffeted the Region.
There is much we have alerted to the problem of poor rainfall recorded and storage levels of water for agriculture and animal husbandry. Just last week in Parliament we had the opportunity to underline this reality and defend the existence of support for farmers and producers in the Alentejo.
Had the previous government adopted the extension measures the Alqueva perimeter now adopted and the way problems would be menorizados.
welcome, that is why, the creation by the Government of a team to monitor the evolution of the drought in Portugal, waiting for what, the attention and monitoring, we can put together a set of practical measures to support farmers and stockbreeders. Moreover, in the line of support measures to the productive capacity of the replacement or maintenance which has been made available for the Region, on the basis of existing resources.
With concrete measures, it is clear that the path is made by walking, ma always in the same direction, the defense's best for the Baixo Alentejo and the Lower Alentejo.