Baixo Alentejo: Pedro do Carmo came new export cattle to Israel.

Under the activity as a Member of Parliament, Pedro do Carmo, PS candidate in the lists district of Beja, He accompanied the shipment 5300 sheep and 600 live cattle, created in the region, for Israel.

Exports are crucial for the country's economic growth, the revitalization of local economies and affirmation of the productive capacity of our rural world. Though we live in the context of globalization, not always the international markets are available to welcome the excellence of the work of the results of those working in the agri-food sector.

It has been, that is why, very important that, along with the monitoring of dynamics and existing needs in the sector, there is a government effort to expand international markets for marketing of local products and generate renewed wealth creation opportunities.

In this international affirmation of the framework of productive capacity of the Alentejo, always in a logical proximity and support the best that is in our land, I followed on Tuesday, 27 March, another boarding 5300 sheep and 600 live cattle for Israel, through the Port of Sines.

As part of the valuation process animals and animal welfare, I made sure to closely follow the work of veterinary inspectors, Maritime Police and other enforcement bodies in the certification of the ship's conditions of carriage and treatment of animals.

In April 2016, through the port of Setúbal, Portugal exported, for the first time, 500 live sheep coming from the Alentejo to Israel. After a complex bureaucracy negotiating process mechanisms and compliance with the rules imposed by Israel for the export of live animals, the Portuguese government managed the opening of an international market that is an export potential 40 a 50 thousand sheep a year.

So we will continue to follow the work of entrepreneurs and creators of the region to maintain our resilience of Baixo Alentejo, continue to fight for the creation of opportunities for the defense of our local economy and to pursue the path of development with quality agri-food row Region.

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