Baixo Alentejo: Pedro do Carmo recandidata to the Presidency of the Socialist Party Federation.

Pedro do Carmo, Socialist deputy to Parliament the constituency of Beja, recandidata-te à Presidência da Federação do Baixo Alentejo do Partido Socialista.

PEDRO CARMO_800x800Na carta enviada aos militantes socialistas do Distrito de Beja, Pedro do Carmo takes the willingness to continue the work started at the Federation of Alentejo the Socialist Party in favor of "a new future for the Alentejo".

"With the PS government in office and the first signs of change in policy options and the State Budget 2016, It increases the demand for political work in the territory of the Lower Alentejo, to highlight the positive marks that only happen because the PS is government and prepare for elections for Local Government in 2017. ".

Pedro do Carmo é candidato à Presidência da Federação do Baixo Alentejo do Partido Socialista porque é tempo de consolidar a esperança recuperada e construir as soluções para o Baixo Alentejo e para os Baixo Alentejanos; because it is necessary to consolidate the local government and conquer new spaces to state-centered policies on people and the development of our land.

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