Canyons: 9ª Fair Ham and Sausages, of 24 a 26 April.

The Fairs and Exhibitions Park of Barrancos, receive from Friday to Sunday, of 24 a 26 April, the 9th edition of the Fair of ham and sausages.

ravines- Feira presunto_800x800Renamed ExpoBarrancos, the Great Nun Raia, organized by the Municipality of Barrancos, It aims to marketing and distribution of its hams and sausages, to which are associated some of the leading producers of neighboring Spain.

The organization reserves over ten and a half spaces Fair for local producers and then about fifty for the sale of traditional products / exhibitors institutional activities, which include neighbors of Extremadura. In view of the excellent relations between the City and the Spanish Ayuntamientos, last March, Foi ravines or Guest of Honor gives VII Feria de la Dehesa de Oliva de la Frontera, Badajoz Province.

The inauguration of ExpoBarrancos-9th Fair Ham and Sausages, will take place at 12.00 hours of Friday and during the three days, Arcades in the central area of ​​the hams, will cut demonstrations and test and tasting hams and sausages from Barrancos. Entries are free.

Teixeira Correia


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