The epidemiological situation of covid-19 leads the organization to cancel the festivities that should take place between 28 and 31 August.
According JN, the festivities of Barrancos, in honor of Our Lady of Conception, which include the traditional bullfights with death bulls, have been canceled again, for the second time in a row, due to the covid-19 pandemic.
The Festival Committee explained that “the epidemiological situation is not under control., there being no sanitary conditions for its realizationâ€, festivities that should take place between next Saturday and Tuesday, in the municipality of Raiano.
The organization has not been able to hold any events since March 2020, hoping that "in 2022, be possible to overcome this damn pandemicâ€, ends.
The Festivals of Barrancos, bring together religious celebrations and pagan entertainment in honor of Nossa Senhora da Conceição.
Teixeira Correia