Beja: 43º National Championship of the Professions 2018 between 26 February to 1 March.

The Training Service Professional Beja, of Employment and Vocational Training Institute, based in Quinta de Santo António, NA 260, receives from Monday until Thursday the 43rd National Skills Championship, “SkillsPortugal, Beja | Alentejo 2018”.

The Alentejo welcomes since yesterday and until next Friday, the 43 National Championship of the Professions, with the following schedule: Évora (opening); Beja (competition tests) and Sines (closing). in Portalegre (8 and 9 Feb.), We held the conference "Qualification, Employment and Territorial Development: New challenges".

It is the largest national event held in Portugal in vocational training. It is a place of inspiration, information and guidance for young people, guardians, educators and Portuguese employers.

Throughout these 4 days, 380 highly qualified young people compete with each other, in 40 professions, turning Beja in Capital Skills.

The competition is aimed at young people between 17 and 25 year old. It aims to demonstrate the individual skills, rigor and mastery of techniques and tools for the exercise of each profession to competition, by conducting performance practice tests that are evaluated by panels of highly qualified experts (trainers, Professional, business).

But who visit this event can count on much beyond the competition. Artistic creativity and professional, science and technology innovation, They will be made publicly.

O SkillsPortugal, Beja | Alentejo 2018 also has several initiatives in the areas of competition and the surrounding area, over days, namely, training and technology demonstrations, exhibitions, workshops and conferences and JuniorSkills initiative, to children of the 1st cycle of schooling, whose purpose is to close and provide the contact with the various professions in a playful way.

The National Championships take place from 2 in 2 years together and classified with the best scores in the pre-selection phase, that compete for the title of national champion in every profession.

The champions of the national phase are slated, so, to participation in European and World Championships of Occupations, organized, respectively, by WorldSkills Europe and the WorldSkills International.

PROGRAM (Beja Vocational Training Service) FAIR, 26 OF FEBRUARY
10h00: Home Championship - adaptation of competitors to the job
13h00 – 18h00: Home of evidence – opening the doors to the public
Seminars and Workshops
10h00 – 13h00: CISCO Network System – Workshop
15h00 – 17h00: Logistics, Food Hygiene and Safety (Jumbo) – Workshop
14h00 – 17h00: 1.º National Champions Forum – Seminar FAIR, 27 OF FEBRUARY
10h00 – 18h00: open to the public evidence
Seminars and Workshops
10H00 - 11h00: Welding Simulator / Institute of Welding and Quality (ISQ) – Workshop
11h00 – 12h00: A success in the Aerospace Industry / HAAS PORTUGAL – Workshop
15H00 - 16h00: "TIA Portal" as Scanning Platform / SIEMENS – Workshop
10h00 – 13h00: Entrepreneurs Meeting – Seminar FAIR, 28 OF FEBRUARY
10h00 – 18h00: open to the public evidence
Seminars and Workshops
10H00 - 11h00: KNX Project / HAGER – Workshop
11h00 – 12h00: “e-Configure”, home automation programming graphical tool KNX / Schneider Electric – Workshop
15H00 - 16h00: KNX City (KNX city) / KNX Association Portugal – Workshop
10H00 - 16h00: Training of trainers: Certification to Practice Formative - Conference FAIR, 1 MARCH
10h00 – 13h00: open to the public evidence
Seminars and Workshops
11h00 – 12h00: Analyze, Management and Business Sustainability / PingWinMBA – Workshop
10h00 – 13h00: Junior Skills - Professions show for children up to 12 year old

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