Beja: In conversation with astronaut Matthias Maurer, no Castelo.

“You don't have to be Superman to fly in space., there's a lot of work and preparation going into space, but if you can dream, mostly, they also manage to do it” – recalls Matthias Maurer.

Integrated non-event Zero G- Astronaut for a Day, Beja welcomes all those curious or passionate about Space. The Astronaut Conversation provides the opportunity to listen and speak with astronaut Matthias Maurer, on 2 September at 8:15 pm at Castelo de Beja.

Matthias Maurer was born in Sankt Wendel (High), Germany, in 1970, is a materials scientist, integrated the space career and is an astronaut of THIS IS TO. Your favorite activities are traveling, photograph, read, politics and learning foreign languages, also likes sports especially cycling and hiking.

Maurer went through the selection procedure for the European Space Agency (THIS IS TO), with approximately others 8500 candidates, joining the team in 2009, yet his own flight took place in 2021 to SpaceX Crew-3, the german astronaut passed 175 days on the International Space Station and come share your experience with us.

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