Beja: PSP agent suspended from duties files lawsuit against MAI.

Beja's PSP agent suspended from duties, last day 24 March, by the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAY), filed an administrative action that has MAI as a defendant, to end the suspension imposed by the minister.

Francisca Van Dunem, then responsible for the MAI, accepted the proposal of the General Inspectorate of Internal Administration (IGAI), which provided for suspension by 90 agent days, following the prosecution by the Public Prosecutor's Office (MP) of the crime of torture, cruel treatments, inhuman or degrading against a Ukrainian citizen.

The minister's decision was to accept and decree the suspension for three months, which can be extended for a further three months, and the suspension of the agent, was accompanied by loss of salary.

The resolution of the Minister of Internal Administration was communicated to the District Command of Beja (CDBeja) da PSP, who immediately called the agent assigned to the Traffic Police, having signed the suspension notice and delivered the badge and the service weapon.

Last day 30 March, the Lidador News (LN) advanced that the agent was going to file in the Administrative and Tax Court (TAF) of Beja with a precautionary measure, aimed at terminating the MAI's decision, the process was filed with the TAF last Friday.

The incident took place in the early hours of the day 12 November 2019, when the defendant approached a group of about a dozen immigrants who were waiting for the bus to go to work in Ferreira do Alentejo, situation revealed exclusively the next day by LN, with the police officer “being drunk and having kicked the victim about 06,00 hours next to the Traffic Police, place where he was taken to be questioned”.

The investigation ran into the responsibility of the Évora Regional DIAP, having the MP brought charges for trial by a single court, imputing to him the practice of the crime of torture and other cruel treatment, degrading or inhumane.

In the first days of last February, IGAI claimed responsibility for conducting the process that was running at CDBeja and proposed the suspension for 90 days of the agent accused by the MP of having tortured Aleksander Buiniakov, then with 40 year old.

IGAI investigates three other agents

The Public Ministry (MP) de Évora filed other facts involving three other agents of the Beja corporation. at the time of indictment, the MP left criticism of those police, At the time of the proclamation of the indictment in which the practice of the crime of torture and other cruel treatment was imputed, At the time of the proclamation of the indictment in which the practice of the crime of torture and other cruel treatment was imputed.

The IGAI opened an inquiry into the three agents to determine their responsibilities and whether or not there are reasons to open disciplinary proceedings..

Teixeira Correia


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