Beja: Alexandra Leitão PS national leader speaks today to militants.
The PS Alentejo today performs a plenary militants "PS Pay Accounts", with the presence of national leader Alexandra Leitão.
Following the approval of the state budget 2020, Parliament made possible with a frame in continuity with the existing term in the previous, PS Lower Alentejo will host a plenary militants "PS Pay Accounts", next Monday, 17 February 2020, by 21 hours, a Beja hotel, with the participation of national leader Alexandra Leitão, also Minister of Modernization of the State and Public Administration.
In a statement, President of the Lower Alentejo Federation of the Socialist Party, Pedro do Carmo remember that “PS is now the majority party in several cities in the Alentejo, in the Alentejo region and in the country, having obtained victories in all recent electoral acts”.
In the document the Socialist Party of Baixo Alentejo, It is referring to “over the past decade has built a unique level of local and regional implementation, It has maintained a sustained relationship interaction with the members and with the populations, by regularly conducting initiatives explanation of policy options and hearing the different perspectives”.