Beja: Featured Saturday “INFINITE (this is not a book)".

By Teresa Revez, will be released on Saturday in Beja (at the former Primary School No. 1 Beja, by 16:30) the book "INFINITE (this is not a book)".

The author, Teresa Revez, calls it “a gift in book form”, that makes room for the mysteries of the spoken word, to the affections, to the lap stories and that opens up to an infinity of possibilities, where "INFINITE (this is not a book)", is the title of the book that admits not to be.

On pre-order at FNAC, the book, aimed at children, but also to parents, will be released on the day 3 of December, at 17:00, is presented at FNAC in Colombo, in Lisbon.

In author edition revised by Cristina Taquelim, INFINITE [this is not a book] emerged from the “lap of bedtime stories”, as mentioned by the author. woven by 8 years of memories of the best moments of reading alongside in the lap of the mother who was born with her children, is that “when a baby is born, born at the same time, a mother – a new person to discover, and that one begins to see oneself in the mirror in one's son.

Lap Readings in the Library, that extended at home and continue to mark the end of weekday routine, allowed a space of mindfulness where words created bridges to matters of the heart”. the book was, that is why, written, illustrated and sewn together by the infinite thread of reading complicities between mother and children.

"INFINITE (this is not a book]": a story of affection and a true path that puts us in the shoes of a birthday candle that decides to see the sea. Blink an eye to an adult, should be read on the lap and invites an infinite number of reading possibilities between the lines.

Teresa Revez, 39 year old, natural de Beja, mother of two, reveals the reason for choosing the title “Infinito”: is inspired by the birthday candle of 8 years of his son Manel and on the days when, if we change the perspective, eight can be infinity.

Graduated in Marketing, Teresa Revez brings the best of both worlds to this book.. The roots of lap stories and affections, of the presence and texture of books, but also the strength and symbology of new technologies through the relevance of their keywords. It therefore adds a hashtag to launch this “message in a bottle” in a sea of ​​very good children's books and show the power of small things or what can happen if we believe that nothing stops us.

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