Beja: Chamber approved the budget for 2018, no value 33,8 million.

“Rigor, Transparency, Transition”, It was once the president of Beja Chamber defined the Budget, no value 33,8 million, approved at the extraordinary meeting of the Executive.

With the votes in favor of the socialist majority and abstentions of the communist elected, the Municipality of Beja approved the Major Options of the Plan and Budget 2018 amounting to 33,8 million.

Paul Arsenio, President of Beja House, explained that this “It is not a scorched earth budget”, supported for 2018 “priorities are increasing the value of transfers to the local parishes there 8 years who did not have a joint increase in more 5% and Firefighters Beja Volunteers, in over 10%”, materialized.

It is recalled that the Executive has assigned an extraordinary subsidy 45.000 euros for the acquisition of a Forest Fire Fighting Vehicle that Beja Firefighters received in the past day 28 December and had a cost of 148.800 euros.

One of the great authority of the betting goes through urban recovery, is planned intervention in the Municipal Market, Discoveries in pools and in the House of Culture.

The budget proposal and the Great Hall of the Plan options will be voted on at the next session of the Municipal Assembly of Beja (WITH).

Remember that na WITH, PS and CDU, there are 15 elected each, PSD, Left Bloc and Independent (president of the St. Matthias Parish Council), round out the cast with an elected each. In the installation session of the Municipal Assembly, held in 19 October, and at the first meeting in the new municipal cycle, held in 22 November, a “Municipal contraption” (PS+PSD+BE+IND) defeated CDU.

Teixeira Correia


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