Beja: Filed survey young military death of the Air Force within the BA11..
The prosecution filed the inquiry investigating an alleged case of abuse based on sexual orientation on a soldier who committed suicide at the Air Base housing 11, in Beja.
According to the online edition of the Journal News (JN), “the survey was filing dispatching object”, refers to the PGR, adding that the same was carried out in the services of the Public Ministry of the District of Beja, with the intervention of the Military Judicial Police.
Ricardo Lopes (na photos), to date with 23 year old, She was found dead five March 2015. On the occasion, some media reported that would have been bullying victim, for being gay, and enjoyment of the military target within, reasons which led, allegedly, to commit suicide to have reached its limit that night, during a celebration of squares club, when the psychological pressure have been taken “the extreme”.
The military was placed on the Air Base No. 6, no Montijo, but was assigned to the Air Base No. 11, in Beja, to strengthen the effective unit that the Portuguese Air Force (FAP), due to carry out a military exercise named Real Thaw.
The young, natural de Vila Chã, Barreiro county, found itself at the service of FAP since December 2012.