Beja: Electoral and Ordinary General Assembly of Firefighters 28 March.

The General Electoral Assembly for the Social Bodies of the Humanitarian Association of Volunteer Firefighters of Beja (AHBVB) for the triennium 2024/2026, on 28 March. Delivery of lists by 15 March.

Esta é a segunda Assembleia-Geral Eleitoral da AHBVB, calls to elect the Social Bodies, depois da primeira agendada para o dia 18 de dezembro ter sido cancelada “em virtude da única lista concorrente ter sido rejeitada por não cumprir as normas estatutáriasâ€, having been justified that “at an opportune date a new General Assembly will be called for this purposeâ€.

Recorde-se que para o primeiro ato eleitoral, on 5 December 2023, deadline for submitting lists, only a single application was received at the Administrative Services, led by Jerónimo Picado, for the Social Bodies of the Humanitarian Association of Volunteer Firefighters of Beja (AHBVB).

According to a notice signed by the President of the Board of the General Assembly, Manuel Pedro Saborida Gonçalves “por decisão da reunião da Assembleia Geral de 3 January 2024, and after the opinion of the Portuguese Firefighters League on the interpretation of the Statutesâ€, The electoral process for the election of Governing Bodies for the three-year period is open 2024/2026. The lists must be received at the Secretariat by 18 horas do dia 15 March.

Num outro edital do mesmo estilo, The General Electoral Assembly was called for the day 28 March, by 18 hours at the Association Headquarters located on Avenida Fialho de Almeida, n.º 30 in Beja. The electoral act will take place between 18:30 h e as 20:30hours.

Assembleia-Geral Ordinária no mesmo dia do Ato Eleitoral

Foi convocada para o mesmo dia 28 March, pelas 20h30m, no mesmo local uma assembleia-Geral Ordinária com a seguinte ordem de trabalhos: Ponto únicoDiscussão e votação do Relatório de Atividades e Contas de Gerência ano 2023. A Assembleia Geral reunirá 30 minutos depois da hora inicial, com qualquer número de presenças.

Teixeira Correia


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