The Municipal Assembly of Beja approved, majority, a recommendation presented by the PS and a motion from the coalition led by the PSD on the impacts of immigration in this Alentejo municipality.
The two documents were approved in the most recent Municipal Assembly of Beja, a 30 of September, with the recommendation of the socialist bench having been approved with the favorable votes of the PS and the Beja Consegue coalition (PSD, CDS-PP, PPM, Liberal Initiative and Alliance), and with the CDU abstaining.
The PS says that “immigration is a positive opportunity for low-density territories” as Beja, “where agricultural activity is one of the most important sectors” and “agribusiness begins to take its first steps”.
Even so, emphasizes the PS, “currently” and since “about three months ago”, the situation in the municipality “It's very worrying”.
In view of this “new reality that is affecting” the municipality and causing “side effects on the local community”, the recommendation suggests that the prime minister, Luis Montenegro, and the Minister of Internal Administration, Margarida Blasco, visit the municipality to get to know the “real problems”.
“As this is an urgent and complex situation”, It is also recommended that the law “be reviewed quickly and with immediate effect”, so that they are clarified “the procedures for obtaining a residence certificate”.
in the same session, the Beja Municipal Assembly approved the motion presented by the Beja Consegue coalition, which obtained the abstention of the CDU and two elected members of the PS and the favorable votes of the other deputies.
The coalition led by the PSD maintains that “Migrations cannot be seen as an unsolvable problem, but as a process to be managed for the benefit of countries of origin and destination”.
“Portugal, our district, our municipality, needs to welcome immigrants, for demographic reasons, social and economic”, but.
Yet, continue the motion, “There are more and more homeless people who spend the night on the streets of Beja and, recently, in the parish of Beringel, They were detected 180 false residence certificate applications, to the same houses and with the same witnesses”.
“It is essential to attend to the integration of immigrants, providing them with full citizenship rights”, but also guarantee, “in the face of an increase in general crime” in the municipality and “to the feeling of public insecurity and unrest, increased patrolling, with the reinforcement of police elements on the streets, ensuring the maintenance of law and order”, says the motion.
Para of, it is necessary “request the adoption of measures to increase security and public order in the municipality, ensuring the tranquility of the local community”.
No document, are still required of the Government “the actions necessary for the intended purpose, namely, the reinforcement of patrolling in the municipality”.