Beja: Signed “Deed of Consignment” for the requalification of “Estrada de Quintos”-EM 513.Beja:

The Municipality of Beja signed the “Auto de Consignação” for the requalification of the Municipal Road (IN) 513, commonly known as “Estrada de Quintos”, over a length of approximately 9 kilometers.

According to the local authority, the work has an execution period of 210 days (7 months) and a cost, with VAT, of € 939.000,00, supported through a loan to be taken out by the Municipality.

Now the company that wins the competition will begin mobilizing resources for the site and setting up a construction site.

The Mayor of Beja and the permanent Councilors of the Executive were present at the signing of the “Auto de Consignação”., as owners of the work, the President of the Union of Parishes of Salvada and Quintos and the members of the Executive as well as the Managing Partner of the winning Firm and the person responsible for the Contracts Service of CM Beja.

Teixeira Correia


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