Paul Arsenio, Mayor of Beja, announced that the contract for the rehabilitation of the so-called “Edifício das Modas Felício” was signed, in Republic Square.
According to the mayor, the signed contract will now be “sent for analysis by the Court of Auditors. Only after approval by the Court of Auditors will the contract be assigned and the execution period will begin to count.”.
This work will come to fruition following the 2.⁰ competition launched for the same, since the 1.⁰ competition was deserted, with the value of the contract including VAT: € 1.144.688,95 and an execution deadline: 540 days.
According to the mayor “when the recovery is complete, the building will have 8 housing for rent to young people and 3 small spaces on the ground floor for other purposes”.
Building donated by the Ferreira da Costa Cruz sisters
In ordinary Executive meeting of the Municipality of Beja, held on 3 August 2016, It was "unanimously approved" the proposed donation of a building located in the Republic Square and Street Merchant (Old Street Shopping), where on the ground floor still works a ready-to-wear.
The proposal was made by Ferreira da Costa Cruz sisters, Maria Elvira, Maria Emilia, Maria Francisca and Maria Antonia, as legitimate heirs of the building located in Praça da República, paragraphs 27 and 28 and Merchant Street, paragraphs 2 a 12 (pair numbers), "For not being able to bear the costs that are necessary to perform the maintenance works".
The building consists of ground floor, where does the establishment of ready-to-wear, “Happy Fashions”, 1Th e 2º andar, with a 254m2, eight police numbers, two on Praça da República and six on Rua dos Mercadores.
Teixeira Correia