Beja: conspiracy trial for theft of animals in piles in the District.

A group of four individuals, aged between 23 and 50 year old, It is being prosecuted in the Court of Beja, for having carried out during the year 2017, at least ten cattle thefts and birds on hills in Beja District.

isolated clusters were targeted in the municipalities of Odemira (New lot of Gurita / Old Furnace), Ourique (Monte Coitus / Panóias, Monte Vale Romeiras / Ourique, Lot of Malveiros / Santa Luzia, Monte da Ferraria / Panóias), Aljustrel (Monte Vale Leitão / Aljustrel, Monte Ortiga / Aldeia dos Elvas-Messejana) and Ferreira do Alentejo (Monte High Vasca / Figueira Knights, a value of around 27.000 euros.

Mario J., 50 year old, residing in Frielas (Loures), Paulo B., 35 year old, in the neighborhood of Ameixoeira (Lisbon), Antonio C, 48 years and Reuben C, 23 year old, father and son, residents in The Gambia (setúbal), They are accused of criminal association crimes, robbery co-authored and ringleader, the older man, still clandestine slaughter of crimes and prohibited weapon detention.

The gang planned thefts, He watched the targets were illegal slaughter of animals which later sold and divided among profits. All defendants had well-defined tasks, but all lined the thefts. Anthony and Reuben, watch the routine and properties, Paulo, disponibilizava and drove the van where they were transported animals and Mario, I headed to the group, He gave the orders on thefts, collected, stored and sold the animals and distributed the money resulting from sales.

The thefts carried out in eight hills, since two were visited by two, the group took 3 cattle, 114 goats, 129 sheep and 140 birds, a value that research found of 26.950 euros. The GNR dismantled the group, on 10 August last year, after an assault on a hill in Panóias, municipality of Ourique, When este transporta 42 cattle goats stolen.

In the home searches conducted defendants, the residence Mario J., in Frielas, GNR came to discover a shed, which functioned as the slaughtering of animals, unlicensed, whose meat was sold to third parties there moved to the effect. several were also seized incriminating material from thefts, like earrings, rattles, marked skins, belonging to the sheep and goats stolen cattle.

In one of the sessions of the trial, a prosecution witness was conducted from Almada in detention to testify, having entered the court, wearing a uniform of a private security company.

Teixeira Correia


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