Beja: Deadly pedestrian run over on the EN260, near the Industrial Park.

A man of 79 years old died on Wednesday morning victim of a hit-and-run, the National Road (IN) 260, next to the Beja Industrial Park.

Has learned the Lidador News (LN), the man, Portuguese and resident in Beja, was crossing towards Bairro da Esperança when he was picked up by a light goods vehicle, bread transport.

There was a metal viaduct at the site for a few years for people to cross that highway, which has a very intense traffic as it makes the connection between Spain and Lisbon, but because it was not used by pedestrians, it was removed by the municipality, as it was sometimes used by people for less civilized acts against passing vehicles.

The accident took place around 7:10 am, the victim had an immediate death that was confirmed on the spot by the doctor of the emergency and resuscitation medical vehicle (VMER) from Hospital de Beja who attended the.

relief operations mobilized 6 operating the Beja Fire, VMER and GNR supported by three vehicles, with the EN260 being temporarily closed to car traffic.

The victim's body was transported to the Legal Medical Office of Beja where it will be autopsied.. The causes of the accident are being investigated by the GNR.

Teixeira Correia


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