Beja: Local authority has the 1st phase of the project “Former Beja”.

The UNESCO Center, in Beja, receives on Friday, the presentation of the 1st phase of the project “Former Beja”.

The Municipality of Beja presents on Friday, day 8 Feb., 18h00, no UNESCO Center, the 1st phase of the Beja Former project. An intervention that provides for the implementation of accessible routes in the historic center and surrounding the city of Beja.

Implement accessible footpaths in public space, interconnect various relevant equipment within the city living, in trade, tourist, historical, patrimonial, cultural and leisure, through the accessible route are project objectives designed to improve the accessibility to implement fixed access ramps to historic buildings and / or public interest and removable ramps in public space in commercial buildings.

Potenciar o turismo acessível na cidade de Beja e o seu usufruto por todas as pessoas são os objetivos deste projeto que estará em discussão pública no final da tarde de sexta-feira.

It is recalled that the Beja Former project is integrated into PEDU – Measure 4.5 | Promoting low-carbon strategies for all types of territories, particularly urban areas, incluindo a promoção da mobilidade urbana multimodal sustentável e medidas de adaptação relevantes para a atenuação. to point) Article 66 of Regulation POSEUR.

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