Beja: Autarchy forward with competition to requalify the Ploughing Street.

It was approved at the meeting chamber 6 July opening the tendering procedure for performing a requalification works of Crop Street, by binding to IP8.

Lavoura_800x800 the streetAccording to the local authority, This intervention is part of a strategy focused on improving accessibility and Beja entries. other interventions, like General Theophilus Street and Trinity Avenue. Afonso III, also include this bet.

The intervention consists in the rotunda of improvement at the beginning of the area between the street of the Crop, Rua Pedro Vitor, Rua D. Afonso III and Largo Station, a implantação de uma rotunda na zona do lavadouro que permitirá estabelecer uma ligação entre os vários arruamentos que entroncam nesta zona.

Also at the end of the street Ploughing, a new roundabout to replace the existing junction, is expected to connect to the access road to the IP8, which will continue through a new street that will cross the line of railway, iron.

Está ainda prevista a renovação das infraestruturas de águas residuais domésticas, water supply, rainwater, elétricas e telecomunicações.

The base estimated price for the contract is 1.135.000 euros and the implementation period of 180 days.

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