Beja: Author shots in preventive. Defendant's degree murder crime of attempted form.

Defendant's degree murder crime of attempted form, the gunman's shotgun, who tried to kill neighbor, is in custody, after hearing the Court of Cuba. A arma, deixada no local do crime, It was collected by the PSP after the suspect's confession.

CUBA- suspect tribunal_800x800Is in custody, defendant's degree murder crime of attempted form, the man 62 year old, that on Thursday night, in Beja, a neighbor shot him with two shots of shotgun, using lead zagalote, ammunition used by hunters to kill wild boars.

Outside was a possible indictment of aid omission of crime, since after reaching the woman shot, ran away, Indo-entregar to PSP.

Questioned yesterday for three hours in the Judicial Court of the Beja-Instance County Location in Cuba, court on duty, Luis Water-Sweet, He heard the Prosecutor, Artur Rodrigues, decreeing him coercion measure more severe, having entered into the Prison Beja (EPBeja), to 14.15 hours, indicted the neighbor's attempted murder, Paula Calceteiro, single, 52 year old.

The origin of the crime that took place on Thursday night, cerca the 22.00 hours, in the neighborhood of gravel pits, It will be "unhealthy possessiveness and jealousy of the suspect", in relation to his wife, and who told a neighbor "did not accept that no one told you".

Louis will have waited hidden next to a fence and when Paula came home, made two shotgun shots hitting her in the womb. Believing he had killed the neighbor, He called his wife after the crime, leaving the victim on the street to fade into blood, indulging later in Fleet PSP Beja.

Neighbors alerted the Police and Fire, who transported the woman to the City Hospital's Emergency Department, which would be operated standing, according to hospital information in a state regarded as "very serious, but clinically stable ", admitted to the Intensive Care Unit.

When he delivered at the police station, the individual had in his possession two cartridges of zagalote by trigger, having confessed that they had left the gun at the place where he had done the shooting and where he would be recovered by agents of the Criminal Investigation Police.

Thursday night the man was taken to Faro Directorate of the Judicial Police (PJ), now investigating the case, and yesterday morning transported the suspect, without being handcuffed, the Court of Cuba and later to EPBeja.

Teixeira Correia


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